What is Carbon?

Carbon is a robust self-updating framework designed with performance and stability in mind. It has complete backward compatibility with all Oxide plugins and uses the latest C# and Harmony libraries to give developers the tools to let their creativity flourish!


Carbon offers a carefully written framework with performance as the number one factor to provide an even better experience for your players.

Dynamic Hooks

Hooks are loaded dynamically to ensure only the hooks used by plugins are loaded. This eliminates a ton of redundant calls and will improve the performance of your server.


We have created a more optimized modular permission system that allows for users to create thier own serializers.

Hot Reload

Carbon allows for your Harmony mods to be reloaded on the fly when changes are made.


We have made Carbon super lightweight by only providing the very essential hooks needed.

Oxide Support

We have made it very easy to make the switch from Oxide to Carbon by keeping the folder/plugin structure the same.


Will all my oxide plugins work with Carbon?

Carbon automatically imports and updates all Oxide hooks to ensure all of your plugins work seemlessly on Carbon. All hooks, including Carbon hooks, will be updated automatically everytime your server restarts. No more having to manually update server files!

How do I install Carbon?

Installing Carbon is very simple, regardless of your operating system. Have a look at our Installing Carbon documentation to get started! Do you use Pterodactyl? One of our amazing community developers has created a Carbon Pterodactyl egg to easily implement into your environment!

If you're using LinuxGSM you'll need to add the following to your rustserver.cfg or common.cfg:

export DOORSTOP_TARGET_ASSEMBLY="${serverfiles}/carbon/managed/Carbon.Preloader.dll"

How do I install plugins with Carbon?

Installing plugins is easy! Simply add the plugin into /carbon/plugins folder or for Harmony, the /carbon/harmony folder. The plugin will be loaded automatically, assuming ScriptWatchers is not disabled in your Carbon config file.

If that's the case, simply load the plugin manually with c.load plugin-name. To reload a plugin use c.reload plugin-name, or to unload a plugin, use c.unload plugin-name, replacing plugin-name with the name of the plugin. Be aware that the name is case-sensitive, so be sure to type it correctly.

How can I help support / contribute to the project?

This is a community-driven project so we appreciate all the help you can provide. Please star the repository, fork the project, make your own changes, improvements and additions, then create a pull request with a helpful caption, describing your changes and why they're required.

How can I report any issues that I experince?

You can submit issues on our Github or in our Discord server. Please include as much information possible to assist us in debugging!


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